in this exercise walks you through GCP Compute Engine VM Instance creation.
- We need to create a VM Instance
- Click in create Instance
- Fill the form
- click en create
- the creation is in progress
- when the creation is finished it shows this icon
- Now click in SSH
- After that, this window is showed
- run this command to update all the libraries.
sudo apt-get update
- run this command to install the RDP configurations.
sudo apt-get install xrdp
when the prompted to confirm, press Y and then press Enter.
- Run this command to install the GUI mode.
sudo apt-get install xfce4
when the prompted to confirm, press Y and then press Enter.
- run this command to restart the RDP Service.
sudo service xrdp restart
- Run this command to Switch to the root user.
sudo -s
14 ) run this command to configure the password.
- in windows open Remote Desktop Connection and open this IP
- the VM was created